
Retrics Web Solutions Private Limited, with its registered (mention address), ("Retrics Web Solutions Private Limited)," "we," "us" or "our"), manages and runs the mobile application/website Classcomfort, (collectively referred to as the "Classcomfort" through which it, among other things, makes it possible for users of the Classcomfort ("User" or "Users" or "you" or "you're") to purchase furniture and other products ("Products").


In conjunction with the Terms, this privacy statement ("Privacy Statement") sets forth our policies and practices for collecting, using, disclosing, processing, transferring, and storing the personal data you supply to us. You agree to be bound by the terms of this privacy statement and consent to the collection, storage, possession, dealing, handling, sharing, disclosure, and transfer of your information by the privacy statement by using, browsing, accessing, or making purchases from the Classcomfort. Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, we will not use the User's information in any other way. If a term is capitalized and not otherwise defined, it will be understood to imply what the terms imply.


This document is an electronic record controlled by the Information Technology Act of 2000, any rules promulgated thereunder, and the provisions of numerous statutes that have been changed to include electronic records. There is no need for a physical or digital signature on this electronic record because a computer system created it.


This privacy statement describes the types of information we may collect from Users, including sensitive personal data or information (as defined below), the reasons for collecting it, the methods by which it will be used, and the recipients of the information. Anytime you choose, you may opt out of having your information collected and used, including any Personal Information (as defined below) or Sensitive Personal Data or Information. However, if you want to withdraw your consent, please be aware that we might no longer be able to offer you the associated service. It is clear that if you decide to withdraw your consent, it will only affect how Personal Information was processed using your prior consent at the time of withdrawal.


Please take some time to go through our Privacy Policy. We encourage you to refrain from using or accessing the Classcomfort if you disagree with any clauses in the Terms or this Privacy Policy.


Information Gathered

When you access, utilize, or browse the Classcomfort, you can be prompted for your information. We may use and share information by the terms of this privacy statement. To deliver and enhance our products, services, content, and advertising, we may also combine it with other information.


You agree to submit information that is accurate, truthful, and up-to-date. Contacting us at Classcomfort will allow you to partially or completely access, edit, alter, or request the deletion of your information.


Classcomfort does not target children. We never intentionally gather personal data from users under 18. If it is discovered that we have obtained the personal information of a person under 18, we shall take reasonable steps to remove it. When a parent or legal guardian learns that their child has supplied information on the Classcomfort without their permission, they should contact us to request the deletion of that information. Suppose a person under 18 uses the services violating the Privacy Policy and Terms. In that case, we will not be held liable or responsible for any harm or damage that person may experience.


Your name, password, mailing address, phone number, email address, and contact preferences may be collected by us, along with any other usage and interaction information you may have with us or our affiliates. We may gather data that fairly enables us to identify you (hence, "Personal Information"). Personal information includes your full name, mobile or home phone numbers, mailing address, email, gender, and birth date.


Additionally, we might gather, acquire, process, or keep certain sensitive personal data or information, including but not restricted to:


  1. Password;
  2. Information about your finances, such as the data of your bank account, credit card, debit card, or other form of payment;
  3. Condition of one's physical, physiological, and mental health;
  4. Any information pertaining to the types above of personal information that has been supplied to us for service; and
  5. Any information obtained under the categories above of personal information we retain, handle, or otherwise use legally.


The utilization of the Data Collected

For the following purposes, we may gather, utilize, or process your information, including Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Data or Information:


  • For setting up your account on the Classcomfort and granting you access to it.
  • To enhance and personalize your experience, we develop, deliver, process, and upgrade our products, services, and content.
  • To keep you informed about our products, services, deals, upgrades, and forthcoming events. This includes information about order confirmations, bills, technical notices, and security alerts.
  • To improve Our Products, Services, and Customer Communications through internal analysis and research activities like auditing, data analysis, and research.
  • To abide by a request from a political or judicial body or to satisfy any legal or regulatory requirement.
  • To address any issue, request, disagreement, complaint, or grievance regarding your usage of the Classcomfort.
  • The Classcomfort is to look for or monitor any fraudulent or illegal activities.


Disclosure of Collected Information

We could occasionally be compelled to give our trusted third-party service providers who help us make it easier to deliver services and make product purchases on the Classcomfort access to the information we've gathered from you. To conduct transactions on the Classcomfort, we might share your information with a third-party payment gateway provider. You agree to any such sharing of your information to third-party service providers by using the Classcomfort. We ensure that these third-party service providers are subject to appropriate confidentiality duties and use, preserve, and adhere to generally recognized industry and security standards about such information.


We may also release your information if required to do so by law or court order or if we determine in our sole discretion that doing so is necessary to defend our rights or the rights of other Users, to stop harm to persons or property, to fight fraud, or to reduce the risk of credit risk.


As part of a reorganization, asset sale, division, or transfer of all or a portion of us, we may also disclose or transfer your information to any third party. If the new entity's intended processing of your information differs considerably from that described in this Privacy Policy, you can refuse any such transfer. We will ensure that any third party to whom we transfer or sell our assets will manage your Personal Information with adequate confidentiality and security procedures, at the very least as protective as those outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Your credit/debit card number or bank account information—collectively called "Financial Information"—may need to be gathered from you by a third-party payment gateway provider. All financial information these third-party payment gateway providers gather from you will only be used to process payments and bills. Your financial information is handled using encrypted, secure digital platforms used by authorized payment gateways by the generally accepted standards for technology. We won't be involved in the authentication procedure used to verify the Financial Information. Thus, we won't be held responsible for it. Only you will be responsible for carrying out this step. If third-party payment gateway providers violate any terms, representations, or warranties they make, we will not be held liable or accountable. Additionally, we are not obligated to arbitrate or settle any disagreements you may have with such third-party payment service providers.


You are strongly advised to use reasonable caution when providing Personal or Financial Information while using the services, given that the Internet is susceptible to security breaches. At the same time, we make every effort to ensure that your information, including Personal Information, Financial Information, and Sensitive Personal Information or Data, is duly protected by undertaking security measures prescribed under applicable laws.


Additionally, your data might be moved, kept, or processed in a nation other than the one from where you use the Classcomfort. We reserve the right to transmit your information outside your country to share or disclose data by the Privacy Policy. By using the Classcomfort, you consent to the transfer of your information to our affiliates, subsidiaries, partners, and other third parties, including their employees and subcontractors, so long as those parties have agreed to uphold the same level of data protection as required by this Privacy Policy and India data protection laws. The transmission of the information is possible if it is required to provide the products as agreed upon between us and the third party, the operation of the Classcomfort, or the performance of the services.



We place a high priority on the security of your personal information. To safeguard the Personal Information under its control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, unlawful destruction, or accidental loss, we have put the security policies, rules, and technical safeguards required by applicable law. These safeguards include firewalls, transport layer security, and other physical and electronic security measures. Our security systems safeguard your information when you submit it to the Classcomfort. Please be aware that we follow all legal laws, rules, regulations, and internationally recognized standards.


Your information is kept on protected networks and is only accessed by a small group of people with access rights or other requirements for the information for the purposes specified in this privacy policy. These authorized individuals must maintain the privacy of such information.


You understand and acknowledge that while we make every effort to transmit and store all the information you provide in a secure operating environment that is not accessible to the public, there is no such thing as perfect security. We cannot guarantee that there won't be any unintentional disclosures of any information or potential security breaches. You acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any security lapses, actions taken by third parties who obtain your Personal Information, or occurrences outside of our reasonable control, such as governmental acts, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage devices, computer crashes, security and encryption lapses, etc.


Cookies Regulation

Due to Internet communication standards, whenever you visit, access, or browse the Classcomfort, we automatically receive the uniform resource, locator of the website from which you do so, information about the website you visit after leaving theClasscomfort, the internet protocol ("IP") address of each User's computer operating system, the type of web browser the User is using, email usage patterns, and the name of the User's internet service provider. Only the analysis of overall User patterns and the improvement of our services are done using this information. Please be aware that the connection between a user's IP address and personally identifiable information is not disclosed to third parties unless the user authorizes it, except as necessary to offer or facilitate the user's access to the services or when required by law. Despite those above, the User acknowledges that we reserve the right to share some of the overall results, including the personal data provided by the Users in an anonymous, aggregate form and not the specific data, with advertisers, sponsors, investors, strategic partners, and others to support business expansion. Depending on the settings of the user's web browser to access the Platforms, we get varying amounts of information from Users. To find out what information is sent to us, the User may consult the browser that was used.


To store some data, the Classcomfort employs temporary cookies. We do not use cookies to store personal data. Any data gathered by us, using any method, that does not personally identify the User as an individual (such as the usage patterns mentioned above) is our sole property and may be used by us and third-party service providers for technical administration of the Platforms, user administration, research, development, and other purposes.


You can configure or change your web browser to erase or disable cookies. The Classcomfort may be hampered or degraded, or access may be restricted if you disable cookies on your computer or mobile telecommunication device.


Advertisements may be served to you by us or by other businesses or organizations. The companies or organizations in this category include research companies, advertising agencies, third-party ad servers, and ad technology suppliers. Depending on your overall profile, we might show you various adverts. Advertising to you is not targeted by us using personal information. We could permit third parties to set or recognize a specific cookie on the user's browser to provide adverts or improve its users' services.


You acknowledge that the websites of third parties linked to or presented as search results on the Classcomfort are not under our control. These other websites could download their cookies or other files onto users' computers, gather information, or ask for personal information from users; we have no control over these actions and are not liable or responsible for them. We do not guarantee such websites' accuracy, integrity, or quality of the information, data, text, software, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages, or other materials. We do not make any claims regarding such third parties privacy practices or policies or the terms of use of such websites. The inclusion or absence of such websites, their provider, or the content on such websites is not intended to indicate our support of them.


We may maintain records of phone calls made to and received from Users for service administration, R&D, training, business intelligence, business development, and user administration. If required by law or where necessary to deliver or facilitate the services to the User, we may disclose such telephone records to other parties.


You agree that we may post all testimonials and reviews you submit for the products or services on the Classcomfort and reproduce them in whole or in part. You acknowledge that we may modify any testimonials or reviews you submit and that we may duplicate or post those testimonials or reviews in edited or paraphrased form on the Classcomfort. Users can contact us at (contact information) if they have questions about how your testimonials or reviews will be used or reproduced.


Links to Other Websites

We offer links to various websites for your information and convenience. If you visit any linked websites, we advise you to evaluate their privacy policies as they may differ from those of these sites. We disclaim all liability for the use of or material on any linked websites.


When transacting with other website users, you may share your financial details, such as your bank account information, credit card information, or information about any payment settlement or pre-paid instrument service provider. You realize, accept, and agree that these service providers never furnish the Website or Platform with Your financial or payment information. Platform and Website shall not be liable, accountable, or responsible for the personal, sensitive, or financial information you provide to these service providers. These service providers will handle your personal information, sensitive personal information, and financial information by their respective privacy policies and other terms and conditions.


Opt-Out Procedure

The third-party service providers with whom we could share the information you've given us are not allowed to advertise their services, send promotional emails, or otherwise interact with you in a promotional manner. We allow you to stop receiving promotional, marketing-related, or non-essential communication from us or our partners.

You may use the "unsubscribe" link or the instructions in each email to remove your contact information from our mailing lists and newsletters. You can also write to us at (Email Id). Depending on the accessibility of contact information, we retain the right to restrict membership. Before any actions are taken, an email will be sent to all Users.


Information retention


Unless a longer retention time is needed or permitted by the relevant law, we will only keep your information and any data as long as it takes to achieve the goals mentioned in this privacy policy.



Every time you visit our Classcomfort, we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy to see how your Personal Information is used. The Privacy Policy will be updated on the Classcomfort as and when it is changed. At any moment, we retain the right to change this privacy statement.


Rule of Law

India law shall govern and be followed in interpreting the contents of this privacy policy. The India courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any controversy relating to or arising out of this Privacy Policy. 


Grievance Resolution

If you have any concerns regarding this privacy statement or the Classcomfort, you may get in touch with our grievance officer using the information provided below:

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