Terms and Condition

The terms and conditions stated here ("Terms") represent an agreement between LADDU GOPAL VASTRA PRIVATE LIMITED ("we," "us," or "our"), which operates the Classcomfort defined below, and any natural person or entity who accesses or utilizes the Classcomfort in any way ("you" or "your") or utilizes any current or future service, functionality, or offer made available on the Classcomfort ("Service(s)"), as updated from time to time.

These terms control how you use the Classcomfort and any transactions you have there. You expressly agree to be governed by the Terms using the Classcomfort. Use of the Classcomfort is prohibited if you disagree with any of the Terms. Please be aware that in addition to these Terms, other terms and conditions, policies, or guidelines (the "Additional Terms") may apply to your use of the Services, other platforms, or Products (defined below), as well as any offers or promotions related to the Products that we or our affiliates may provide. If any Additional Terms conflict with these Terms in any way that relates to the related Service or the use of the Product, the Additional Terms will prevail to the extent of such conflict. Please email with any questions you may have about the conditions.

As it relates to these Terms: (a) "Classcomfort" refers to the Classcomfort, which includes its corresponding mobile application, website, tablet, desktop, or any other digital mode and operating system as provided by us, on which you may access the Services. This also includes applications controlled and managed by us that interact with one or more of these mobile applications, websites, tablets, and other digital modes as provided by us; (b) "Products" refers to furniture and other items offered for sale.
Please carefully read each section to fully comprehend the terms that apply to using the Classcomfort and purchasing its products.

Terms And Conditions Of Use In General

The Classcomfort provides a forum for you, too, among other things, to enable you to discover, select, and buy Products listed on Classcomfort at the indicated price at any time from the locations serviceable by us. The terms and conditions for usage of the Classcomfort, as set out herein ("Terms of Use"), specifically govern your access and use of the Classcomfort.

Please be aware that we reserve the right to occasionally modify the Terms of Usage that apply to your usage of the Classcomfort. Please review these Terms of Use each time you want to use our Classcomfort to ensure you know the current rules. Please be aware that we reserve the right to modify the layout and content of the Classcomfort at any time or to temporarily halt operations so that support or maintenance may be performed; the content can be updated for any other reason.

Any use of the Classcomfort for access, browsing, or any other purpose constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use, the Classcomfort privacy policy, and any other rules or regulations that may be in effect at the time of your use of the Classcomfort and may be updated from time to time (collectively, the "Agreement").

According to the Information Technology Act of 2000 and any applicable rules made thereunder, as well as the requirements of several statutes that have been changed by the Information Technology Act of 2000 regarding electronic records, this document is an electronic record. Neither physical nor digital signatures are necessary for this electronic record because a computer system produces it.

We give you a limited, revocable right to access and use the Services and authorize you to view and use the Classcomfort solely to identify Products, make purchases of Products, and process returns and refunds in line with the Return and Refund Policy.

You declare that you are at least 18 years old and can fully engage in, abide by, and comply with this Agreement by accepting this Agreement. Suppose a user is under the age of 18, In that case, it is assumed that they are using/browsing the Classcomfort under the guidance of their parent or legal guardian and that they have read and agree to the terms of this Agreement, including the terms of purchasing Products on the user's behalf. If it comes to our attention that a user is under 18 and using/browsing the Classcomfort without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. In that case, we retain the right to terminate that user's account immediately. Additionally, suppose you are utilizing the Services on behalf of a business or organization. In that case, you warrant that you are authorized to act on its behalf and that the organization has agreed to this Agreement.

Setting up your Account

You can opt to register on the Classcomfort or check out as a guest to buy Products and use the Services on the Classcomfort. A one-time registration is required. After completing the relevant forms and giving us any additional information we may have requested at your registration, you will be qualified to access and use the Services as soon as you receive a confirmation email from us.

The account you created is only permitted to be used by you. Therefore, you must keep your account's login information private and limit access to your computer, mobile device, and other similar devices to avoid unauthorized access to your account. You will continue to be held completely responsible for all actions using your account.

You agree to (a) notify us immediately if your account is used without authorization or if there is any other security breach, and (b) make sure you log out of your account after each session. We reserve the right to deny access to the Classcomfort, delete or alter content, and terminate accounts at any time without prior warning. If you violate these Terms of Use, neither we nor our employees, agents, directors, or officers will be responsible for any resulting loss or indirect damage. You might be held accountable for any losses suffered by another user or us due to unauthorized use of that user's account.

Unsubscribe And Communication

By agreeing to the Terms of Use, you also consent to receive SMSs with news, offers, and campaign-related information at the mobile number you supplied. Even if your contact number is listed on the DND/NCPR list under the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2018, you at this moment expressly consent to receive communications from our authorized representatives and us via call, SMS, email, or other digital and electronic means regarding any new services or offerings by accessing and using the Classcomfort and verifying your contact number with us.

You can unsubscribe from our newsletters, marketing mailings, and other notifications at any time by following the instructions provided in such materials.

Warranties, Inaccuracies, And Errors

Regarding the completeness or correctness of the Information, we make no guarantees. We shall make every effort to ensure that any advice and information (hereafter, "Information") supplied as part of this Classcomfort is accurate at the time of inclusion on the Classcomfort, whether it relates to the Products, Services, offers, or other matters. We do not guarantee the integrity of the Information.

You are responsible for assessing the applicability of the Information to your needs before using it. We, our affiliates, and their officers, employees, and agents are not liable for any loss, damage, or expenditure resulting from accessing third-party websites.

On the Classcomfort, we give visual representations such as graphics, illustrations, photographs, images, videos, charts, screenshots, infographics, and other visual aids to help users identify their chosen products. Despite making reasonable efforts to provide an accurate visual representation, we make no guarantees or warranties regarding the accuracy of the visual representation or description of the Product, with the actual Product finally being delivered to consumers. The product's appearance upon delivery may differ for several reasons.

Nothing in this document should be interpreted as a recommendation to use a product, process, piece of equipment, or formulation in violation of any patent or other reason. We also disclaim any express or implicit assurance or warranty that such usage will not violate any patent or for any other reason.

We do not guarantee or make any representations or warranties regarding the quality, suitability, accuracy, reliability, performance, safety, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or consumption, or the content (including Product or pricing information and specifications) on the Classcomfort; that the Services will always be accessible; or that the Classcomfort, including the functions contained in any content, information, or other materials, will operate as intended.

We disclaim all representations and warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third parties about the Classcomfort and any goods or services to which it refers. We will not be liable for any damages arising from or connected with the site.

Disclaimer: To the extent allowed by applicable law, we, our officers, agents, employees, and directors, disclaim any liability against any loss, damage, expenses, liabilities, claim, or injury caused by the deletion, interruption, error, delay, virus, communication, unauthorized access, theft, destruction, alteration, or use of records on the Classcomfort.

Classcomfort Availability And Accessibility

We are the owners and operators of this Classcomfort and control it from India. We do not represent that the information on this website is appropriate for use or will be accessible outside of India. If you access this Classcomfort from a country other than India, you are responsible for following all local laws. These Terms of Use do not constitute and may not be used in connection with any advertising or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction where such advertising or solicitation is prohibited or to any person to whom such advertising or solicitation is prohibited.
We regularly monitor the user's account to prevent phony accounts and transactions. Users with multiple accounts or illegally using referral coupons are subject to legal action. We reserve the right to pursue those users for the items, collection costs, and attorney fees. Suppose such individuals use the Classcomfort fraudulently or commit other illegal acts or omissions that violate these terms and conditions. In that case, we reserve the right to bring legal action against them. Before pursuing legal action, we reserve the right to instantly remove the offending account and dishonor any previous and pending orders if a fraudulent or rejected transaction is discovered. We shall have no obligation to provide any reimbursements for this clause.

Third Parties And Links To Their Websites

You are allowed to communicate with, buy products and services from, engage in promotions of advertisers, members, or sponsors of Classcomfort while using it, as well as visit any other third-party websites linked to the Classcomfort. Any such communication, advertisement, purchase, or promotion, including the provision of and payment for goods and services and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations related to such communication, purchase, or promotion, are unless otherwise specified, solely between you and the relevant third party. You acknowledge that the contract in such circumstances remains between you and the relevant third party and that we are not liable, responsible, or obligated for any such contact, purchase, promotion, access, or usage of any third-party website.

Content Copyrights

The Classcomfort contains content that is covered by copyright and other intellectual property rights ("LADDU GOPAL VASTRA PRIVATE LIMITED"), including text, graphics, and sound. The LADDU GOPAL VASTRA PRIVATE LIMITED may be used as part of Classcomfort under our ownership of us or licenses granted to us by the owner(s) of all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the LADDU GOPAL VASTRA PRIVATE LIMITED. Additionally, we are the exclusive owner of any trademarks displayed on the Classcomfort. Any information, including text, pictures, and music, remains subject to our copyright protection.

When you register on the Classcomfort, we grant you a limited, revocable, personal, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to access and use the LADDU GOPAL VASTRA PRIVATE LIMITED on your personal computer only for your personal use. This license is only valid for identifying Products, making Product purchases, processing returns and refunds by our Return and Refund Policy, and accessing and printing copies of the information on the Classcomfort.

Warranties And Restrictions For Users

You guarantee that the following will be true, accurate, and lawful:

1. Your use of the Classcomfort and Services will not violate any applicable laws or regulations.
2. All information submitted concerning the Classcomfort and Services is true, accurate, and legal.
3. Use of the content and material you supply will not violate applicable agreements and won't harm anyone or anything (including that it won't be defamatory).
We have the right to refuse registration, cancel all orders, and forbid you from using the Services and other associated services in the future if we discover that the information you have given is fraudulent or inaccurate. By these Terms of Use, you have a limited license to access and use Classcomfort only to use the Services.


As a user of Classcomfort, you are not allowed to:

1. Remove or change any information about the Services, their performance, sales, or pricing from Classcomfort
2. Navigating or searching Classcomfort using any engine, software, tool, agent, or another method (such as spiders, robots, avatars, worms, time bombs, etc.).
3. Make defamatory or harmful claims against the Services.
4. Posting, copying, submitting, uploading, disseminating, or otherwise making available any software or other computer files that contain a virus or other harmful component, disrupting or damaging the Services, the website, or any network connected to it, or otherwise interfering with another person's or entity's use or enjoyment of the website or the Services
5. Introducing any trojans, viruses, malware, bots, or information-scraping software from Classcomfort
6. Probe, scan, test, or otherwise tamper with our technological architecture and design or attempt to tamper with any system, security, or authentication measures we've installed
7. Hack into Classcomfort or install any form of malicious software there
8. Gaining access to, interfering with, damaging, or otherwise disrupting the server that stores the information related to the Services, or any other server, computer, or database related to the Services; or
9. Participate in any antisocial, disruptive, or harmful behavior, including "flaming," "spamming," "flooding," "trolling," "phishing," and "griefing," as those terms are typically employed online.
10. You are not allowed to host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update, or share on or through Classcomfort any content that belongs to someone else and over which you have no legal authority; is inappropriate, harassing, profane, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or paedophilic; invades another person's privacy; is related to or encourages money laundering or gambling; or is harmful to minors.

Limitation Of Liability And Indemnification

You consent to hold us, our affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, licensors, agents, and representatives harmless from and against any third-party claims, losses, liabilities, damages, and costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) resulting from your use of Classcomfort or the Services, access to Classcomfort, violation of these Terms of Use, or infringement of any of our or any third party intellectual property or other rights. In addition to those above, you undertake to give us reasonable assistance, at your expense, in fighting any such claim, loss, liability, damage, or cost. We shall promptly notify you of any such claim, loss, liability, or demand.

Law And Jurisdiction That Applies

Without respect to the requirements of any jurisdiction's choice or conflict of law, the laws of India shall govern and be applied in interpreting these Terms of Use. You consent to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in India for the resolution of any issues emerging regarding these Terms of Use or any disputes arising in connection to the Classcomfort, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise.


No waiver or permission to enforce any part of these Terms of Use shall be regarded as effective unless it is in writing and signed by us. Any express or implied permission by us to, or waiver of, your breach will not constitute consent to, waiver of, or justification for any additional, different, or subsequent breaches.


The remainder of these Terms of Use will be interpreted as if the unenforceable provision were excluded. They will still be enforceable by their terms if any provision of these Terms of Use is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable under applicable law; provided, however, that in such a case, these Terms of Use will be interpreted to give effect, to the greatest extent consistent with applicable law.


The remainder of these Terms of Use will be interpreted as if the unenforceable provision were excluded. They will still be enforceable by their terms if any provision of these Terms of Use is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable under applicable law; provided, however, that in such a case, these Terms of Use will be interpreted to give effect, to the greatest extent consistent with applicable law.


These Terms of Use are subject to changes, modifications, and periodic updates without prior notification. You must frequently examine the Terms of Use posted on Classcomfort. The most recent edition of these Terms of Use, published on Classcomfort, will govern your relationship with the Classcomfort.

Access To Products

We provide availability details for the Products on the relevant pages of Classcomfort. We cannot provide more information regarding availability beyond what is stated on that page or elsewhere on Classcomfort. Please be aware that dispatch estimates aren't promises and shouldn't be taken as such. If any of the Products you ordered are unavailable or out of stock while we process your order, you will be notified by email and mobile SMS.

Governing Officer

Any complaints you may have regarding the information you shared with us under these terms and conditions and how it was handled, as well as any complaints regarding the services you received under these terms, may be submitted to the grievance officer at the address listed below, by the applicable law:

Email - laddugobalvastrapvt@gmail.com

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